Now, where was I? Oh yes, picking the brains of my new friends about my dream job! In between all the shenanigans like playing ‘baseball’ with a small rubber ball, glass coke bottle and laundry basket for protection (I kid you not) and exploring Cape Town, I did manage to learn a lot. For instance, did you know that you need a special license in order to operate a flight? The license requirements are for specialised training for the aircraft you will be working on, fire-fighting and first aid among others. In one word: INTENSE!
Doing what needs to be done
As time went on my friend taught me about wearing makeup, which is necessary for the corporate image. She took me shopping for business attire so that I can have professional photo’s taken for my online application to airlines. The most important lesson I learned from her that will always stick by me is that you don’t allow anything to stand in the way of your dreams. For example, she took out a loan in order to pay for her own training so that she could apply for flying work. I would not advise anyone to go into debt blindly, but I am a firm believer that there is always a plan to be made to achieve your goal. Even if you have to go a step back in order to go forward, maybe even a 180 degree turn in order to better place yourself for the next step.
Now, back in 2007 the Middle-Eastern Airlines that I was applying for didn’t do interviews in Cape Town, only in Johannesburg. Which meant that I would have to move there. Once again it was time to make a plan to be in a better position to chase my dream from. Enter my friend with an opportunity: the airline that she used to be ground staff for was looking to replace her, and she still had the email address of the HR department in charge of recruiting. So, I got my resume in order, attached my professional photo and sent it off. Lo and behold, I got an email from the airports manager inviting me up for an interview!
Creative Logistics
Once again, it was time for a plan: how was I going to get to Johannesburg and back within one day to attend the interview? I also needed to get from the airport to the airline office (this is all pre-Uber, mind you). Luckily, my generous friend came to the rescue; she bought me one of her staff tickets on her airline, so that I could utilise an extra crew seat at minimal cost (I just paid her pack for the fare). The other co-ordinated with his mother that is living near the airport to pick me up and take me to the interview, and then to drop me off at the airport again afterwards.
These to me were classic examples of people doing things within their ability in order to help other people, and to this day I will also try to do the same for others. Their example has inspired me all those years ago and it still resonates, because without that my journey could have been so much different. Shout out to the Body Corporate! (you know who you are wink wink).
On the move again
And yes, you guessed it. A week later I was informed that I would be the newest check-in agent at a local airline at O. R. Tambo International Airport. So, two-week notice and lots of farewells later I was once again in my (still) very small car traversing the 950 km back to Kimberley for a quick stop on my way to Johannesburg. Let me tell you, it was a very long journey without a radio! My Samsung flip-phone only had 6 tunes on it at the time…
What kind of plans have you had to make in order to chase your dreams? Leave me with your story in the comments below.
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