Pilar Noriega entered the corporate world with a degree in Actuarial Sciences. But then she decided to leave office life and became a successful travel blogger. This Mexican travel addict is currently living in South Africa where besides blogging, has a job as a business analyst, and runs her own digital marketing agency.

She started her career working at Bain & Company, one of the “Big Three” management consulting firms in the world, but very quickly felt the desire to achieve the flexible lifestyle of “digital nomads”. Therefore she quit her job to pursue her dreams of traveling the world and building her own business.

She started her blog The Lifestyle Hunter ( https://thelifestylehunter.com ) with the aim of motivating people to develop their careers with international experiences. She is convinced that anyone could achieve a successful career and get their dream lifestyle by preparing themselves. And the best way to do this is by traveling with a purpose: studying, working, and volunteering abroad.

As Pilar says: “traveling is not expensive because opportunities are there, it’s just a matter of finding them”. On her blog, she shares successful experiences gaining scholarships, internships, full-time work positions, and free volunteer projects abroad. Her goal is to show people that this is possible. She has studied in 5 different countries, volunteered in Asia and Europe, and worked on humanitarian projects in Africa. For example, you can read her post “How to win the Ernst Mach Grant to study in Austria with all expenses paid” (https://thelifestylehunter.com/win-ernst-mach-grant-austria/) in which she tells her experience.

Currently, she is living in Cape Town, South Africa with a Critical Skills Visa and she combines her work as a business analyst with blogging and freelancing at her digital marketing agency The Capital Media ( http://thecapitalmedia.com ). She provides website design, SEO optimization, online marketing, photography, and graphic design services.

“The best part is that I am able to control my time plus the free travel and accommodation”, Pilar says. She has a lot of new business ideas for the future and is excited to keep on discovering South Africa and many other parts of the world.

You can follow her adventures on her blog, or through her Instagram @pilarnoriegaa ( https://www.instagram.com/pilarnoriegaa/ ), Facebook @pilarnoriegaa ( https://www.facebook.com/pilarnoriegaa ) or Pinterest @pilarnoriega ( https://www.pinterest.com/pilarnoriega/).